Dhurmus Suntali Foundation is a main not-revenue driven association in Nepal lawfully enrolled under the Social Welfare Council of Nepal government. The Dhurmus Suntali Foundation is established by Nepal's famous comic twosomes Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) and Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali) after Gorkha Earthquake. EQ 2072 was exceptionally pulverizing regular catastrophe for Nepalese, it took a huge number of lives, a great many houses were destructed. Till date as well, the survivals are attempting to live. The gigantic pulverization has pulled in consideration from global field. Numerous more classes, gatherings has been held to remaking and crisis help to the group, shockingly the choices made were constrained in paper as it were. Numerous nations demonstrate their excitement to help in recreation extend, resolved to give overwhelming spending plan and to that time those duties demonstrated a sparkling line around the decimation of EQ among the affected Nepalese. Nepalese have spend the days, weeks, months and now entire year in desire of speedy execution of reproduction venture, however the postponement in usage of venture has made group individuals more terrified who are living with numerous aftershocks.Despite of anticipating from government just, we as the capable subject have additionally obligation of attempting endeavors to inspire Nepalese lives, with this acknowledgment on the off chance that we make solidarity among us we can accomplish something.

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