According to the report, the person bating them is the spouse of a ladies who is getting be@ten alongside a person. They have been pun!$hed for their improper demonstration without spouse. Spouse r@id gave those two in an exceptionally $h@meful position that they were having a phy$!c@l contact with each other. 

Spouse c@ught them when wife makes a call to that person and begins to have phy$!c@l connection with them. Spouse in this video appears to be excessively irate and fur!ous with their demonstration. In this way, he chose to give them a lesson for that improper demonstration. He have tied up them two in a column with the assistance of rope and is be@ting them barely. 

He is sc)lding them and $h)uting at them and pun!$hing hard before enormous mass of society individuals. 

Society individuals are additionally saying that these two individuals have done an incredible m!$take and they merit this br^ut@lly activities.

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